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Men's Accessories
Have your measurements taken, drape a custom pattern (if necessary), and discuss optional details of your custom TaylorAntonio designed garment. Customer is responsible f...
Tailored Fit Consultation
30 min


In the District of Columbia "one-size fits most" or "off-the-rack" describes the fashion industry through store bought items. Besides irregular fits, the problem of modest yet unique options prevail. These problems could be eliminated for those suffering from these issues and those willing to invest in quality if an experienced bepsoke tailor and fashion designer would emerge. Thus, I felt the need to create TaylorAntonio.


The initial spark for sewing started with my grandmother, who worked as a seamstress for many years. To my surprise, her skill set came from her father, a master tailor in Jamaica.


I like to incorporate cloths that are full of color in my designs. Most of the clothing that I make is of a formal nature, traditional American or European styles, but I love to merge these with the prints and patterns found all over the world. More than anything else, the color really appeals to the eye and emotions and my clothes give my customers a chance to stand out and make a statement. I think that everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their clothes without having to sacrifice their personal sense of style, so I'm constantly looking for new ways to improve features of my pieces, no matter how simple, to ensure that my customers clothes work for their body.


"Taylor Antonio specializes in men's suit accessories and custom tailored clothing. Our motto "Handmade Quality" signifies our commitment to minor details, impressive style, as well as, professional garment construction. Tailoring is our passion because proper dress and grooming should be a part of everyone's life"

-Michael A. Taylor Jr. 

C.E.O. & designer of TaylorAntonio 


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